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  • The story of Blue Jeans was born in the town of Nimes in France. It was produced a kind of blue cotton cloak called Nimes cloth then nicknamed Denim (De Nim).
    Fù The port of the city of Genoa to see the first blue-jeans trousers that were used as workwear for sailors, hence in French "blue de Genes" or blue of Genoa and later Blue jeans.
    In 1853 the turn, an immigrant named Levi Strauss, opened in California and exactly in San Francisco a shop for the sale of various items including clothing for gold researchers who contributed to the transformation of work trousers in a garment and subsequently its business in great style.
    The first celebrity in Italy to wear a pair of "Genoese" Garibaldi during his landing in Marsala, today his blue jeans are kept in the museum of the Risorgimento.
    The blue jeans style follows the age of each of us wearing them, changing their shape and sometimes their color, but their importance is not minimally scratched both in the wardrobe and in the fashion world that has been captured inserting it a bit in all collections, the essential is not to confuse the term denim (the fabric) with jeans (pattern).

    Date online: 2017-11-18

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