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  • The button of the shirt, in contrast to what it may seem, is by no means a minor detail, both in terms of choice and in terms of the actual lace of the shirt itself.
    In fact, if well-aligned as a color (they must not always be white), in their anonymous form with their two or four holes, they can only stand on the fabric, giving that extra touch that is made up of "finishing".
    The most valuable and expensive are undoubtedly those in nacre that are used for the finest shirts http://en.naticonlacamicia.org/store/charly/ while the most common are resin or polyester.
    In ancient times they were considered important that they were used as true precious objects, so they could be in gold, silver, and precious stones.
    Nowadays it is more important to their simplicity that determines the real beauty by transmitting it to the well-made shirt.

    Date online: 2017-07-14

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