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  • Unavailable but highly demanded, the great return of the padded overcoat also has its success in its versatility.
    It's lightweight but today's commercial pads make it a very high performance in heat.
    Being waterproof and resistant to rain is also less delicate, its conservation needs less care.
    Its lightness makes it suitable to be worn with dresses and jackets without stoning but above all without making it clumsy in the movements while keeping the slim line.
    There are short models available: http://www.naticonlacamicia.org/mempermeable-make-splodable-4412.html and longer
    http://www.naticonlacamicia.org/impermeabile-finottito-lungo-4413.html but all are also practical and intended to accompany us faithfully for our winters, a choice dictated by the practicality and the style.

    Date online: 2017-10-07

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