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  • The first thing that is sought when buying a shirt is the measure, the General Convention is based on measurement of the collar (circumference) that is measured in centimeters and is the equivalent of the measure that goes from the button until the slot locking collar delo to take this measure should wrap the tape measure around his neck, holding the point of intersection, this result is added a centimeter and that's it.
    The English-speaking countries use this measurement in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm) for this reason in the shirts found next to the Italian measure in cm A small number that is precisely this type of measurement (eg. 39 15 1/2).
    As regards the fit of the liners (ie the fit) within our shop we have three different types of measures can be consulted in the tables "sizes and measurements":
    - The regular classicfit or that does not have pleats and straight sides, is made as always carries the classic shirt, it is indicated for people a little more robust.
    - The Customfit slightly tight is more modern than before and it is a little closer on the sides even if only slightly, is indicated for the normal body types / slender dressing classic renovated.
    - The slimfit very tight, for a younger audience and fashion is the narrow hips and is worn with great satisfaction by more snelli.Senza these delicate passages not knowing exactly your size is difficult to buy a shirt for men.

    Date online: 2015-07-27

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