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  • Not everyone, although they are really many, love soft and soft wool as may be merinos, but prefer a tougher and rough hand.
    Shetland is a woolen yarn that has these characteristics and is derived from Shetland sheep.
    The Shetland sheep are raised mainly in the Shetland Islands, from which they are named, cold islands of Northern Scotland, about 80 km from the Orkney Islands.
    Just the harsh and harsh climate has made these more rustic animals in their fleece, which also has the peculiarity of being multicolored, the origins of this breed of sheep seem to be Scandinavian.
    Shetland wool is strong, durable in time and it is dry and rough a bit like Scotland, although after the first wash softens changing nature by taking a velvety hand try to believe !!!

    Date online: 2017-11-03

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