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  • Mr. Edgar Camplin founded a company specialized in marine supplies in England in 1850, and his dynamic son, Charles, began the Royal Navy supplies in 1888.
    Success came with the English Campaign to Conquer the Colonies, the attention that Camplin gave to the Royal Navy was the medal of the Naval General Service (with blue / green ribbon still being used to finish the peacoat).
    The idea came from the need for subfunctions to have a uniform other than the simple sailors able to distinguish them, but it was more practical than that of the officers.
    Mr. Camplin thought of a jacket that had the appearance of a coat but the practicality of the movements of a jacket, so the Peacoat was born (derived from Petty officier).
    The main features are double-breasted button closure, water-repellent woolen fabric, "Cordige" buttoning, a top that acts as an extension to button peacoat when for climatic reasons you have more than one sweater underneath.

    Date online: 2017-09-22

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