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  • Few seasons we see the phenomenon of partial disinterest to fashion trends, while it is more attentive to what is called personal style.
    The secret of success of the industry now that deals with fashion stà in the ability to know how to interpret the individuality of those who will go to wear, from accessories to the shirt, the pants or shirt.
    In practice we are realizing that often taken by the desire to create a fashion trend (which can be a dominant color or a particular model) produces no clothes corresponding to the needs of those who are the end users: customers who have to wear .
    If we can be less influenced by the guidelines of the designers and to be rather more and more ourselves, it would distort the meaning of fashion that soon would be replaced by that of style, not everyone who is fashionable to say you can have style, Conversely those who have style even if it is fashionable trend ago, that creates it.

    Date online: 2016-02-25

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