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  • We address this argument because the place that for many men is considered the paradise that is the "barber shop", you know that you face meeting where conversation often unthinkable elsewhere, is endangered, at least for shaving now is news almost official .
    For this reason you should run for cover to cure the most of our people, in fact, to take care of ourselves, we are forced to get by and then get organized with all those "tools" that are used for shaving., Not without a little ' regret for the good friend and confidant barber.
    - The brush must be the good of badger hair.
    - A good razor least bilama
    - A good solid shaving soap or cream possibly combined as the essence of aftershave and perfume.
    - Aftershave that may be alcoholic or conditioner (for sensitive skin) that will form a combined one with the colony that we will use to flavor our person.
    The ritual of shaving every morning is now not ready to become a boring tradition but a little time dedicated to ourselves ... ready to face our day.

    Date online: 2016-01-09

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