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  • With the arrival of spring and the consequent increase in temperatures due lighten up their wardrobe.
    Although it is still premature wear short-sleeved polo shirts or summer we are going to do the "cabinet change."
    In this regard, as it is still necessary to repair fresh air and the spring wind our proposal is the Barracuda jacket Steinbock:
    Practical, light and ageless.
    This jacket model takes its name by the English Barracuta than late the first to propose it in the 60s.
    initially it was called "Barracuta G9" and was created for golfers, but it soon became a favorite of young people of having a great success.
    Although many years have passed, it is still very much appreciated, the undeniable practicality and ease of pairing make it an indispensable garment for a casual look to address adegauatamete between seasons like spring.

    Date online: 2017-04-01

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