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  • In the clothing industry as in any other field, progress in the years determines the great changes that are often not noticed by the final user for what they are, only the aesthetic improvements or practicality in everyday life are appreciated.
    Some of the most important are the teflon, the neoprene https://www.naticonlacamicia.org/giubbino-neoprene-4835.html the thermore padding https://www.naticonlacamicia.org/giacca-termica-multitasche-4742. html just to name a few.
    These new fabrics all have the function of giving an extraordinary personalization to the garments giving it a contemporary charm that never neglects the tailoring of the past, indeed the revaluation.
    The creativity of the designers thus exploits the technologies to inspire and to create new trends with unconventional combinations looking to the future.

    Date online: 2018-10-13

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