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  • Fashion for men has greatly changed the size and proportions of the trousers and we are not making comparisons with the fashion of the 70s (bell pants).
    In fact, until the mid-1990s, the rule was that the hem of the trousers should rest on the shoe until it was covered by 2/3 so we were around 20 cm.
    If we refer to today's fashion, trousers do not even touch shoes anymore and have a bottom around 16 cm which can also make it difficult to remove them (for this reason they are often stretch).
    We would be to follow the advice of the good old tailor, that is to say, not to dare too much both in length and in the lower leg, thus avoiding confusing the concept of tailored trousers with that of tight trousers that are not the same thing at all.

    Date online: 2019-07-19

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