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  • Christmas involves emotionally everyone is undeniable, it is a magical celebration.
    To share these our suggestions we use the colors that all express in general the renewal of life.
    Often it is the custom to celebrate wear clothes of these colors but we do not know the real reason and meaning that comes from far away.
    The Christmas colors are: green, red, gold, silver and white.
    Green: the fir color, one of the most important symbols, is an evergreen, and permanence of life, hope.
    Red: the role of Santa Claus communicates warmth, intensity of feelings, love of neighbor.
    Gold: communicates value, kingship as a symbol of perfection, prestige.
    Silver: the color of the light, so knowledge and renewal.
    White: the white snow can only express purity and innocence.
    Any color you decided to wear between these to make your festivities do not forget their meaning, is part of our old traditions.

    Date online: 2016-12-09

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