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  • Jeans are also commonly referred to as "five pockets", and this is because they actually have five pockets. two front, two rear and almost inside the right front pocket a mysterious smaller pocket with a rectangular shape.
    The latter is very small so it is certainly not containment, the story has it that it was added in 1873 by the famous Levi's, and in reality it did not only have an aesthetic function, but also took the name of "watch pocket" precisely because at the end of 800 it was used to insert the pocket watch that in those days was perhaps the only watch used and in particular by the cowboys.
    Legend has it that this pocket was also used to store the nuggets found by the legendary gold diggers, since then a little by tradition the habit of sewing the "fifth pocket" in jeans has been maintained, even if today in life in truth, it is almost never used daily, but it has nevertheless assumed the decisive importance of giving its name to almost all models of jeans on the market and in fashion.

    Date online: 2019-04-13

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