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  • Suspenders, which are indeed born in the year 700 then that spread during the French Revolution, they are not really in competition with the belt like in appearance it may seem.
    In fact not only serve to support the pants, the added value of this accessory is a perfect aplomb conferirgliene regardless of model, by bringing out the best the folds, not to mention the effect purely aesthetic, give color, you can indulge in fantasies and even extravagant models.
    Perhaps these are the real reasons for the success that even in recent years stà getting even among young people who wear them with great ease, undermining totally wrong belief that it is a present only accessory in the wardrobe of his grandfather.
    Exist with the clips and straps to button his pants, in both cases the advice is to attach the straps before wearing, improve the duration of the attacks.

    Date online: 2016-12-02

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