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  • Tattersall is a special fabric that has the checked pattern feature that is worn by the inhabitants of the English countryside.
    The underlying ivory or beige is crossed by lines which can be colored brown, green, blue, light blue, black, purple and form an unmistakable picture crossing.
    Richard Tattersall fù a great British breeder of thoroughbred horses, which he did this denominaziomne, he used to cover the animals of his stables with blankets that had just this kind of fantasies.
    Wearing one of these shirts paired with a tweed vest and a velvet corduroy pants one has the impression of seeing an episode of the popular television series of the 80s "James Herriot" which enjoyed considerable degree just maybe for the care that the director had to detail the clothing of his characters, for example ..... the Tattersall shirt protagonist.

    Date online: 2016-10-15

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