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  • Has already spent a year since, to emphasize the care dedicated to serving custom tailored for our customer I choose to give my brand name "Il camiciaio del Re", with which cutting and sewing with almost surgical precision the realizable tailored shirt on line using only top quality fabrics selected and the care of all those details that make a unique piece of my shirt.


    Every single piece is processed using the customer touch, often deliberately neglecting the speed of implementation, as they are convinced that there are steps that can be cured at best only manually without the use of machinery that sometimes prevent to work as meticulously you want to own the project "Il Camiciaio del Re", an ambitious project that just born with the will to fully satisfy the customer.
    Thank about it all attentive and demanding that they wanted me to be cut one or more shirts, was a pleasure, I hope to have you fully satisfied for your every need is matched my professional growth, thank you very much.

    Date online: 2015-07-23

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