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Roll it or not your sleeves?

  • There is often asked if it is allowed by the bon ton roll up our shirtsleeves, the answer is yes but not always, depends on the situation and needs.
    For example ago when very hot or you are performing some manual work to avoid staining your cuffs or you want to communicate a feeling of relaxation.
    In these cases it is permissible provided that it is not at work, it would give an idea of ​​sloppiness that we certainly would not help, on the contrary in your free time gives a touch of informality to our look that can be beneficial if done with style.
    There are a number of rolling up the sleeves systems, but the most simple and beautiful to look consists to use the cuff to fit, once unbuttoned, it is rolled up on itself each time by stretching it by the parties not to let him do folds unsightly, typically the coils 2 to four times depending on the length to be obtained, the advice is to never exceed the elbow but stop on the forearm, and ... voila you're done.
    Roll it or not your sleeves?

    Date online: 2016-03-26

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