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  • The trade that today is undeniably going through a very troubled moment, as on the other hand a bit of the entire economic system and beyond, can be considered an instrument of culture and connection between peoples starting from the distant Renaissance mercantilism through travel by Marco Polo.
    Trade in all its various characteristics does not only produce wealth but improves the quality of life, increases knowledge, connects distant peoples and is an irreplaceable factor of progress, very often all these qualities are underestimated or forgotten.
    In fact, the term "commercial" is sometimes attributed a derogatory meaning by denying and neglecting all the merits highlighted so far and giving only a sense of venality to this word.
    Perhaps it would be appropriate instead to protect and appreciate a little more this craft that dates back to antiquity, especially when it is exercised in a simple and modest way in the small "shops" that are increasingly disappearing from our cities, leaving an unbridgeable void.

    Date online: 2020-11-14

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