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  • The very simple blue crew-neck pullover already in the 68s was worn in contrast to traditional clothes by many intellectuals thus affirming their detachment from the current rules.
    In truth, free and non-aligned behaviors have always been considered an expression of independence, creativity and intelligence.
    Perhaps also for these reasons we still have many witnesses of the "blue pullover" today, from politicians to company managers who make it their factory suit, their habit worn with extreme ease and studied impertinence.
    A deliberate inferiority to impose a calculated superiority on the contrary, the great pretense of being anyone to highlight his special, unique being instead.
    All this obviously happens when the label would impose the appropriate clothing for the situation, certainly not when you have free time and you are outside certain circumstances, we are talking about those occasions that would make us pass for a passer-by who happened to be there by chance dragged to the event that would absolutely require a jacket and tie.

    Date online: 2020-03-15

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