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  • Sometimes without realizing it we make mistakes that apparently may seem trivial but are able to irreparably ruin our look.
    For those who consider it necessary to appear elegant, fashionable both at work and on informal everyday occasions or who in any case do not like to be discharged and neglected, it is important, for example, to always wear long socks over the calf, never white in color and rather in tune with worn garments. .
    The belt should be combined with the shoe therefore never for example brown shoe and black belt.
    In the combinations of jackets, shirts, pullovers with trousers it would be better to always pay close attention to the colors that are combined avoiding the colors that clash with each other.
    The return and revaluation of the half-sleeved shirts that has been excluded from the men's wardrobe for years does not authorize us to wear it under the jacket or the elegant dress, it is preferable to use it casually with bermuda or jeans in our moments of free time.
    It is not necessary to be passionate about fashion to take better care of your appearance and even if "the dress does not make the monk" and while it is also true that it is "the first impression that matters" just to stay on the subject of idioms.

    Date online: 2020-03-31

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